Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Tea is, of course, Darjeeling's most famous export. From its 78 gardens, employing over 40,000 people, it produces the bulk of West Bengal's crop, which is almost a quarter of India's total.

The tea plantations were one of the first agricultural enterprises to use clonal plants in their replanting scheme, though most of the tea trees are at least 100 years old and nearing the end of their useful of even natural lives.

Tea plantation is a labor intensive operations; and its capital investment is limited to a few tractors some machines for drying and packing.

Tea plantation industry is an important industry in Kerala

The first Indian to start planting of tea was an Assamese nobleman Maniram Dutta Barma, popularly known as Maniram Dewan.

Tea plantation, tea estates and the tea industry as a whole has been seriously hit by the explosive environment in Assam.

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